5 Questions - Danny Howell (Fever Shack)
Who are you?
Fever shack is; Grid, Lach, Danny, Lev & Doza. 5 mates who have played in various different bands and decided to form the shack!
Where are you from?
We all grew up in the south east of Melbourne. A little more spread out now but we all call Frankston the home of Fever Shack!
How did you get into the music you listen to today and 3 of your most influential bands?
Me personally (Danny), my old man used to play all sorts of old music around the house, all hours of the day. Being an old pub rock drummer it was endless. Gradually it was high school friends who introduced me to heavier music and it all just went from there.
Influences on me then would have to be;
That's for early influence anyway.
Fever Shacks inspirations?
50 lions
A little Power Trip
If you could do any party trick, what would it be and why?
Butt chuggin